So, Kind of Dropped the Ball…

Well, book 2 has been out for a while – here is the anticlimactic cover reveal.


It’s available on Amazon and in my opinion is more fun than the first. However, I know I am totally biased.

And – the third book is actually written – need to to some tweaking, and write out the epigraphs for it. Hoping to get it out this year!

Also, plan on writing more random things here to try and be more active?


Have you read the latest from Lucy Lane?

So…this blog is for writerly things and assorted…

Which means, in no particular order:

Editing tips I learn ( Tip 1, check your use of ‘that’)

Cool LEGO stuff

Updates about Apocalypse By Midnight

Cool Star Wars stuff

Updates about Spellcast By Midnight


Updates on Kryos

Perhaps a list of movies that are so bad I love them

Updates on Welcome to the Future

Music preferences

Updates on any anthologies I have stories in

I like cats.

Also – in case anyone did not know – I post regularly over here, a sort of meta blog written by one of the main characters from Dead by Midnight – short entries to prepare you for book 2…

Let’s see if this works…

I am not what you would call technologically savvy. However, I am always willing to try and learn new things.

So, if you have been on this page for more than 5 seconds a sign-up form should pop up – if you like my writing (which I hope you do) you can subscribe to a mailing list and get 4 short stories in return.

What I can promise is I will not bombard you with anything other than release dates, free promotions for my book, and giveaways – not to shabby, huh?

Anyways, hope you do sign up, and thanks for reading.

Great review to start the week

From the TBR Pile

Rating: 5 Stars – A Must Read! 
Some towns have a speed limit. Logansville, New Mexico has a weird limit. Actually no limit at all when it comes to weird, strange, bizarre, spooky or sinister.

Police Detective Elliot Jorgensen needs a job; Logansville needs a new Police Chief. What Elliot didn’t need was a ready-made serial killer case on his first  day. When the victims’ body parts keep arriving at the station preserved in sealer jars the Logansville police dept is truly in a pickle until plucky student reporter and wannabe investigator Lucy Lane points out the murders occur every full moon. With the top suspect being a werewolf, Lucy and Elliot set off on the trail of the Moonlight Killer.

This story has so many twists, turns and kooky characters it’s difficult to sum it all up in one paragraph. The oddball folks and weird goings on in Logansville provide enough material for their own TV series, a la Twin Peaks or Haven. The actions and dialogue quickly become both macabre and hilarious at the same time; from that point on the author had me hooked!

I felt sorry for the main character, Zach Harris. The poor unsuspecting college student never gets a good break but somehow manages to save the day and get the girl while receiving an unwanted education on the secret life of werewolves. The hapless Chief Jorgensen has the odds stacked against him from the start, but finally figures out that when the possible is ruled out you sometimes have to go with the impossible.

Dead by Midnight is a book you’ll want ‘Read’ by midnight…don’t wait for the full moon!

Next Blurb…

And the next blurb about Dead by Midnight comes from

S.G.Browne, author of Breathers, Lucky Bastard, Big Egos, Less Than Hero, and Fated…

“A fun and playful romp through a dark forest of supernatural shenanigans. Only the dark forest is a private gated community in New Mexico. And the shenanigans include werewolves, vampires, a serial killer, and jars of pickled body parts”.

He is a great guy and I recommend reading his books if you haven’t!

What are people saying about Dead by Midnight?

So, between now and the release of Dead by Midnight I am going to release one blurb a week.

This week’s comes from Pat Shand, author of numerous comics, including Robyn Hood, for Zenoscope Entertainment.

“Suzanne Robb is a natural storyteller. With Dead by Midnight, she has developed into the kind of writer whose work, in all of its addictive glory, will be called “effortless,” but that is reductive. Dead by Midnight is a triumph of craft, and represents the next evolution of an utterly unique voice in genre fiction. Suzanne is singularly talented at crafting tales of the macabre, and this novel reinvents a monster we think we know with a one-of-a-kind story, her trademark clever dialogue, and characters that will stick with you long after you’ve read the last page.”


His blurb makes me want to read the book and I wrote it 🙂

Decision made…

After much thought…too much thought, I have decided to self-publish.

I know what you might be thinking: Why? That’s crazy.

The fact is, this has been a labor of love for me since I wrote the first draft back in 2012. I fell in love with the story, characters, and alternate world I had created.

After many more drafts, a professional structural edit, and a lot of proofreaders – I feel confident it is the best it is going to be. At some point, you have to let a project go. Move on. Work on something else.

I have the wonderful Gary McCluskey doing the cover art which I will show when ready. And I have set up blogs over here to try and introduce readers to the world of Logansville through one of the main characters here –

The target date for release is going to be September 20th. My birthday, a sort of present to myself if you will.

Updates to come…