Decision made…

After much thought…too much thought, I have decided to self-publish.

I know what you might be thinking: Why? That’s crazy.

The fact is, this has been a labor of love for me since I wrote the first draft back in 2012. I fell in love with the story, characters, and alternate world I had created.

After many more drafts, a professional structural edit, and a lot of proofreaders – I feel confident it is the best it is going to be. At some point, you have to let a project go. Move on. Work on something else.

I have the wonderful Gary McCluskey doing the cover art which I will show when ready. And I have set up blogs over here to try and introduce readers to the world of Logansville through one of the main characters here –

The target date for release is going to be September 20th. My birthday, a sort of present to myself if you will.

Updates to come…